Abstract: Completeness of the inductive assertion method for logic programs is shown under an assumption that the assertion metalanguage of the method is expressive enough.
We present an example of applying inductive assertion method of
[Drabent, W. and Małuszyński, J. (1988).
Inductive Assertion Method for Logic Programs.
Theoretical Computer Science, 59:133-155].
The method makes it possible to express and prove
run-time properties of logic programs. Such properties are
inexpressible in terms of the declarative semantics. We present
a proof of Theorem 5.2 of [Apt, Pellegrini 1994, ACM ToPLaS, 16(3)].
concerning correctness of executing a program without occur-check.
Our proof is simpler than the original one due to using an
inductive assertion method.