Jan Mielniczuk
May 2, 2016
Personal data:
Born in Warsaw, Poland, on January 7, 1958.
Academic degrees:
2009 Professorship in Mathematical Sciences approved by the President of
1996 Habilitation in Mathematical Sciences (mathematical statistics), Institute
of Mathematics, Polish Academy of Sciences
1985 PhD in Mathematics, Warsaw University
1981 MSc in Mathematics, Warsaw University
Institute of Computer Science, Polish Academy of Sciences, ul. Jana Kazimierza 5,
01-248 Warsaw,
Poland. Phone: (++48-22) 836 28 41 ext. 31 , fax: (++48-22) 38-00-552,
Joint position at:
Faculty of Mathematics and Information Sciences,
Warsaw University of Technology, where Professor
Professional career:
1981 - since November 2009, Professor in the Institute
of Computer Science, Polish Academy of Sciences, Warsaw;
since March 2007 Head of the Statistical Analysis and Modeling Group,
since 1997 Associate Professor, since 1985 Research Fellow,
since 1981 Assistant Research Fellow
2006 - Professor in the Department of Stochastic Processes and Financial
Mathematics,Faculty of Mathematics and Information Sciences, Warsaw University of
1997 - 2004 Professor in the Polish-Japanese Institute of Information
2002 - 2004 Chair of Department of Mathematics and Statistical Data Analysis,
Polish-Japanese Institute of Information Technologies
Spring 2001 Visiting Associate Professor in the Department of Statistics,
Rice University, Houston, Texas
Fall 1991 Visiting Associate Professor in the Department of Statistics,
the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor
Spring 1998 Visiting Associate Professor in the Department of Statistics,
Rice University, Houston, Texas
1992 -1993 Visiting Associate Professor in the Department of Statistics,
the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor
1991 - 1992 Member of Quality Task Force, a body
affiliated with the International Team for Company Assistance
1989 Visiting Fellow in the Departament of Statistics,
Limburgs Universitair Centrum, Diepenbeek, Belgium
Spring 1988 Visiting Fellow, Statistical Laboratory,
University Paris XI, Orsay, France
Fall 1987 Visiting Fellow, Department of Statistics,
Paul Sabatier University, Toulouse, France
Fields of interest, teaching experience:
Model selection; mathematical foundations of Machine Learning; time series analysis; classification for partially observed data;
nonparametric methods of mathematical statistics;
in particular curve estimation (both asymptotic and small sample performance
of estimates); information theory; computer intensive methods; dependence analysis,
statistical consulting
Since 1992 teaching university courses in probability and
statistics at all levels(including intrductory coursess in statistics
and probability, time series analysis, statistical multivariate analysis,
regression and generalized linear models, statistical data mining,
asymptotic statistics and history of probability and statistics)
Courses taught at: Warsaw University of Technology, University of Warsaw,
Polish-Japanese Institute of Information Technologies, Rice University,
the University of Michigan
List of selected publications
PhD theses supervised
L. Dębowski, Wlasnosci entropii nadwyzkowej nad roznymi alfabetami
(Excess entropy of stochastic processes over various alphabets, thesis defended in 2005)
A. Bryk, Wybrane zagadnienia estymacji parametrow funkcyjnych dla danych zaleznych
(Selected estimation problems of functional parameters for dependent data, thesis
defended in 2007)
M. Wojtyś, Estimation of probability density and its functionals using model selection,
thesis defended in 2009
P. Teisseyre,
On some methods for model selection for linear and logistic regression,
thesis defended in 2013
M. Kubkowski,
Misspecification of binary regression model: properties and inferential procedures,
thesis defended in 2019
Editorial Boards
Discussiones Mathematicae
Probability and Mathematical Statistics
I am currently elected member of Committee of Mathematics of Polish Academy of Sciences